Food Health

These 19 Foods Can Prevent Cancer And You Should Start Eating Them Now!


#7. Cherries


Cherries contain a lot of quercetin, a type of flavonoid that has preventative anti-cancer properties.

This chemical is an antioxidant that reduces the content of harmful carcinogens in the body.

Cherries also contain a phytochemical substance called anthocyanin, which slows the growth of cancer cells and destroys existing cancer cells.

Cherries also contain chemicals that destroy carcinogenic compounds in the body.


#6. Ginger


Researchers have found that ginger contains a sharp compound that can fight cancer stem cells more effectively than chemotherapy.

Ginger has the ability to alter the cell cycle of cancer cells, which ultimately leads to cell death.

Ginger can prevent the formation of spheroids in breast cancer and is therefore very effective in reducing the risk of breast cancer.


#5. Grapefruit


Grapefruit contains vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant with anti-cancer properties.

Grapefruit has been associated with a reduced risk of esophageal, gastrointestinal, cervical, breast, and bladder cancer.

The cancer-fighting benefits of grapefruit are best demonstrated when the fruit is eaten fresh, and these benefits have been significantly reduced in processed fruit products.


#4. Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea contains polyphenols. These are substances with anti-cancer properties, as many studies have shown. Women who drink more than one cup of green tea a day reduce the risk of developing ovarian cancer by up to a third, according to the researchers.

Green tea also contains many antioxidants and has the effect of removing toxins from the body, thus reducing the likelihood of cancer.

Polyphenols in green tea are credited with the ability to intervene in the processes of the multiplication of cancer cells, thereby slowing the growth of cancerous tissues and killing tumor cells.

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