Cutlets With Cottage Cheese – 3 Recipes For Delicious Tender Cutlets

Cutlets With Cottage Cheese - 3 Recipes For Delicious Tender Cutlets
Cutlets With Cottage Cheese - 3 Recipes For Delicious Tender Cutlets

By adding fermented milk products to the dishes, we give them a unique tenderness. I will present 3 recipes that make very tasty cutlets with cottage cheese. All of them can be attributed to healthy eating. Therefore, they are allowed to be served to all family members. Low-calorie content is suitable for fasting days.

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Oven-baked chicken cutlets with cottage cheese
Cooking time: 35 minutes.
Caloric Content: 112.2 kcal.
Servings Per Container: 7.


minced chicken – 600 g;
eggs – 2 pcs.;
cottage cheese – 200 g;
carrots – 1 root vegetable;
onion – 1 head;
water – 2 tbsp. l .;
breadcrumbs – 70 g.
Advice! For chicken cutlets with spice cottage cheese, hops-managed is perfect. You can also add chopped greens.

Step-by-step instruction:

Peel and grind the onion in a blender until pureed.
Chop carrots in the same way.
Pour the breadcrumbs with hot water, let them swell and mash with the cottage cheese.
Mix prepared foods with minced chicken, salt, spices and eggs.
Put a silicone mat on the sheet, on which to place the formed cutlets.
Bake at 180 degrees in the oven for 25 minutes.
Serve with boiled potatoes and sour cream sauce.


Diet variation with steamed broccoli
Cooking time: 45 minutes.
Caloric Content: 92.7 kcal.
Servings Per Container: 5.

Food basket:

minced chicken breast – 300 g;
cottage cheese – 1 pack (250 g);
egg – 1 pc.;
frozen broccoli – 200 g;
garlic – 2 cloves;
fresh herbs.
Advice! It is not for nothing that these cutlets are called “Sports”. They give a great boost of energy and should be cooked in the cold season when the body has a great need for vitamins.

Cooking instructions:

Rinse the broccoli lightly under running cold water and, without allowing it to completely thaw, pass through a meat grinder.
Mash cottage cheese with a fork.
Add everything to the minced chicken, drive in an egg and pass the garlic through a press. With a little salt and pepper, form cutlets and put them on the wire rack of a double boiler.
Cook for half an hour.
It will turn out very tasty if you additionally make a sauce from natural yogurt with chopped herbs.