cooking recipes

Getting Rid Of Sugar Addiction And Sugar Cravings

Getting Rid Of Sugar Addiction And Sugar Cravings
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Any changes in diet, weight loss, begin with the rejection of sugar. But changing habits is not easy, as sugar is present in almost all processed foods. Many people cannot imagine their life without coffee, strong tea, and energy drinks. They are high in sugar and caffeine. In one glass of Matcha Latte (Starbucks) there are already 42 grams. sugar, and this is almost 2 times higher than the daily value.


The WHO recommends limiting sugar intake to 25 grams per day. Sugar should not exceed 10% of the total number of calories per day.

How to comfortably quit sugar and restore energy?

Sugar addiction is like a vicious circle: fatigue, lack of energy and a sharp feeling of hunger awaken an irresistible craving for sweets, and sugar consumption causes fatigue. Sugar addiction is a common cause of fatigue, loss of energy, mood swings, impaired immunity, depression and sometimes even skin aging.


How many supplements should I take?

I recommend using no more than 5-6 supplements per course. This is the best option: you do not forget to take vitamins and supplements at the right time, do not miss them. There are complex schemes with a lot of additives, but they are rarely used. Start taking supplements that are new to you gradually, adding one new option every three days.


Medical disclaimer

Programs are not recommended for children, during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Consult your healthcare professional prior to use if you are taking medication or other supplements. Keep supplements out of reach place for children.

The course “Getting rid of sugar addiction and cravings”

What is the course for?

The course contains supplements that will help reduce your sugar addiction, get rid of strong cravings for sweets and restore energy. Nutrient deficiencies (cellular hunger) exacerbate sugar cravings, so by saturating your body with essential vitamins, you will get rid of the need for sugar. The course is supplemented with nutraceuticals that improve blood sugar control. These are chromium, magnesium and B vitamins.


Duration of the course

The course of supplements is carried out in 2 stages. In the first stage (3 weeks), you reduce cellular deficiency and sugar cravings. In the second stage (3 weeks), you consolidate the results obtained. The total duration of the course is 1.5 months.


Course cost

The cost of the course of supplements is 3060 rubles. – 3950 rubles. for 1 month, depending on the options chosen. In the description of each supplement, the cost of 1 day of admission is indicated, excluding discounts.


Stage 1, lasts 3 weeks

Vitamin C – 1 capsule (500 mg) in the morning with meals

Chromium Picolinate – 1 capsule in the morning, with a meal

Vitamins B complex – 1 capsule in the morning, one hour after breakfast

Magnesium 3 capsules – (600 mg) in the evening, one hour after dinner

Omega-3 fatty acids – 2000 mg morning and afternoon with meals

L-Glutamine 1000-2000 mg for acute sugar cravings every few hours


Stage 2, lasts 3 weeks

Vitamin C – 1 capsule (500 mg) in the morning with meals

Vitamins B complex – 1 capsule in the morning, one hour after breakfast

Magnesium – 2 capsules (400 mg) in the evening, one hour after dinner

Omega-3 fatty acids – 1200 mg morning and afternoon, with meals

L-glutamine – 1000-2000 mg with an acute need for sweets.

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